CCC is a systems approach to addressing economic healing, economic development, and supporting wealth building in communities that have been historically marginalized due to systemic issues.
CCC is a force multiplier leveraging resources, knowledge, and experiences of construction industry leaders, professional technical experts, goods and services providers.
We are currently involved in the business recovery and construction rebuild efforts of
Midway (St. Paul), City of Brooklyn Center, Lake Street, and West Broadway

Connecting industry resources and expertise where needed.
CCC's system approach is designed to:
Utilize and develop capacity of minority contractors and firms tied to industry
Identify and address barriers hindering minority contractor access, growth, and sustainability
Be a force multiplier in the construction industry; to include harnessing professional technical expertise, use goods and services companies, coordination and distribution of materials and supplies
Partner to implement industry specific capacity building program model
Provide coordination and administration that results in collective impact

Services provided below are offered and performed by volunteers (FREE).
Some specific services related to boarding up, rebuild or construction work pertaining to insurance claims/work to be performed will be deemed contracted work.
Business owners should check with their insurance carriers to determine what will be covered under their policy.
Download our detailed preparedness checklist! Contact us if you have additional questions in preparing to protect your business!
Boarding UP
We encourage you to continue doing business during these heightened times. However, only you can determine what is in the best interest of your business.
All businesses interested in getting boarded up must complete a request and waiver and request form.
Need help understanding your insurance policy coverages? Schedule a time with our consultants to review your business policies! We can also provide you with resources for your business and refer you to our capacity building partners!
Submitting a claim to the insurance company will require an accurate estimate or scope of work. Our network of BIPOC general contractors and project managers will conduct a visual site evaluation and provide an estimate for the repairs needed on your space! Let us assist you with shortening your rebuild process!
Looking for a BIPOC contractor, architect, engineer, or other service provider? Contact us for information so we can provide resources and information to assist your business!
Services provided below are offered and performed by volunteers (FREE).
Some specific services related to boarding up, rebuild or construction work pertaining to insurance claims/work to be performed will be deemed contracted work. Business owners should check with their insurance carriers to determine what will be covered under their policy.

BIPOC Contractors Needed
We are presently updating our list of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) contractors.
Consider completing your FREE profile - if you are an MBE general contractor, sub-contractor and/or Professional/Technical (PT) firm.
CCC processes allows us to be intentional in providing scopes of work for BIPOC contractors - who can be contracted to do the work for the rebuild efforts in these three communities.
CCC looks to partner with the community in a variety of ways. Companies and organizations who can contribute legal, marketing, capacity building and construction industry leaders are welcome!
As we move into operationalizing our Work Experience Builder (W.E.B.) to support the business recovery and rebuild efforts, CCC will be seeking funding support to help bridge the needs of the small businesses affected in these three communities.